I've decided to put my writing prowess (clears throat) into good use and start this new blog. I probably have at least 3 blogs which I've started but this time, I swear to myself (like how I swear to do the dishes after dinner) that I will continuously write as much as possible.
About the title. I guess, it would seem pretty obvious. I do have a big forehead. I wanted the title to be 'The girl with the Lightning Scar' or 'The Lost Daughter of Superman's Dad'. Unfortunately, none of those are true. So this is me, giving out to the world (whoever you are) that I have a huge forehead that thinks a lot. Even when the situation doesn't need thinking, it still thinks. Sometimes, I have this strange feeling that I have an autopilot, just running through my brain even when I'm on manual mode.
So here we go..