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Sunday, October 23, 2011

On being in love..

Yes. I am madly in love.

I am madly in love with my Family. I love how my Dad cooks lunch and how he waits late at night just so he'd come with me on my way to work on his scooter. I love how my Mom would constantly ask if I still have baon and on what I want for lunch. I love my 2 sisters. My ate, who's in the States who's consistently concern on how we are here in the Philippines. My Deechee who makes sure that she gets home at least twice a month because she simply misses us.

I am madly in love with my Dogs. Pepper (1998 - 2008) and Boggart (2004 - 2009) who passed away leaving us with wonderful memories of running around and chasing other dogs and bullying them at the same time. Phoebe and Krypto with their crazy antics. And even those dogs in the street and those in pounds.

Krypto (Dachshund) and Phoebe (Aspin)

I am madly in love with my Partner. I love the way I feel around him. Like I'm loved in every angle possible even when there are times that I feel like I don't deserve it.

And mostly, I am madly in love with God. Simply that.