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Friday, September 23, 2011

I'm Scared

If anyone from work reads this and you get offended by what I write, let me be the first to apologize. I feel like I've been hiding out my feelings lately and if I don't write about it, I'll go crazy.

Desensitization - I don't even know if that's a word but I've been hearing that word for a long time. I'm scared of being desensitize. If it wasn't for my Dad, I would've cried but typical me, I didn't like anyone, especially my Dad, to see me shed a tear. It's been only a month and I feel like I'm becoming a different kind of nurse.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Aswangs in my room

I really don't know what to write. But my senses tell me that I should click [New Post] and start writing.

I can't sleep with the lights off. I just can't. I don't know what the rationale is but the idea of waking up without glaring at the bright light of the florescent scares me. Maybe it's because I watch too many horror films? or maybe I got it from my other sister, Dyan, who's used to sleeping with the lights on as well. Or maybe, just maybe, it's from the aswangs in my room!