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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What to do in Spiderman-moments

I've had so many 'sablay' moments in my life. I actually believe that at least 80% of my existence is made of those moments. What does 'sablay' means anyway? Does it mean tripping over a newly-ironed, white nursing uniform on your way to work? Or simply the things that happened in the song 'Ironic' by Alanis Morissette?

I've always tweeted about having my 'spiderman-moment'. You remember the scene from Spider Man when Peter Parker had a day full of misfits from school to work to everyday life. Well, sometimes, I have those moments. I experienced waking up on the wrong side of the bed then going to the hospital to work then screwing up a couple of procedures and so on and so forth. Hence, the term spiderman-moment.

Luckily enough, I haven't had the chance to experience these moments lately because I'm home-bound.

So what great advice do I have if ever you have this experience?

1. Take the time breathe. Sometimes, in the most pressured times, we forget to actually take a deep breath before going through something. If ever you watch Top Shot (George Reinas, yo da man!), you'll catch an episode there where the marksmen shot their best after following the advice of an expert to breath. And it's probably the most unstressful thing to do (breathing).

2. Have a Happy Gilmore Transition. I don't normally believe in astral projection and stuffs connected to it but when it comes to stressed moments I just think of my happy place and be in that place for at least 5 - 10 seconds, just like Happy Gilmore.

3. Remember that everyone (and I mean, everyone) has their days. Even President Obama has his days of 'sablay'. So remember that you're not alone. You are with the president of the United States with this. (metaphorically speaking, of course).

4. Pray. It's as simple as that. Pray.


  1. good advice! i specially like the first one - to just take a deep breath.
    just remind me not to be your nurse when i'm sick when you're having your spiderman-moment :)

  2. hehe.. i hope you don't become a patient.. that would just be awful.. :)
